People are definitely starting to notice that I am pregnant. I feel like I am getting bigger and bigger everyday!!! I have been feeling really good lately and am very grateful for that. I had lower back pain about a month ago, but that only lasted for about a week. I haven't had very many aches and pains. I am only a week away from my third trimester so I'm sure I will have some soon:-) I feel our little guy moving around all of the time. He now kicks hard enough that you can see my stomach move. I really enjoy feeling him move around.

Joel has been able to feel him several times now. It is a lot of fun!! Everything still seems to be going right on track. We had an appointment last week and the heartbeat sounded great and I'm growing right on track. I have my glucose test in a couple weeks. Other than that, we are just doing what we can to get ready for our little guys arrival in 3months. It has been going by so fast. I can't believe that I'm already 2/3 of the way.
Hello Hello!
I'm so glad you posted your blog address on Facebook! (Though, considering how often I actually look at Facebook, it's its own minor miracle - LOL)
And how is it that I didn't know you were expecting either? Absolutely WONDERFUL news! My most sincere congratulations and best wishes to you both!
cousin C
You are looking so cute with your preggo belly! The time really does fly doesn't it? Before you know it you'll be holding your sweet little boy in a hospital bed. :) You definitely have to let me know when your shower is. I totally need to see you again before you have your little man! Enjoy the last few months of pregnancy!
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