We went to Kiddie Kandids in Babies R Us to have some newborn pictures taken of Elijah. After we were done and I went home to look at the pictures, I wasn't very happy with them. I didn't think that they were as good as they should have been. Elijah is cute so you can't mess that up, but the angles and lighting could have been a lot better. We have never had professional photos taken and the person taking them gave us no direction. We were on our own to position ourselves. We ended up going back about a month later to have some retaken. Here are some from the 1st shoot.
Sleeping in his bouncer. He was unsure of it at first, but now he loves it. He doesn't stay asleep when I try putting him in his Pack-N-Play, but he will sleep in his bouncer.
Elijah had an appointment today to have his circumcision done. I was really nervous because I didn't want to see him unhappy. When we got there they were running really late and we waited for a long time. This was hard because he got really hungry and you aren't allowed to feed them a few hours before the circumcision and I had fed him quite a few hours earlier by now. They don't usually allow the parents to go in the rooms with the baby while they are doing the procedure, but they let Joel go in. I was ok waiting in the room and having Joel go. Joel said the he did really well and didn't cry at all. They gave him some sugar water while giving him the anesthetic and that made him really happy. Before the procedure they weighed him and he is at 8 pounds 1 ounce. The say they are usually back to their birth weight at 10 days and he is a pound over!!!! He is already growing so fast. When we got home we gave him a bath. This is one of his favorite times.